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2025年02月24日 11:08


以下為 了不起的蓋茨比 中的部分經(jīng)典臺詞英文:
1. What could you make of that, except to suspect some intensity in his conception of the affair that couldn't be measured? 2. If that was true he must have felt that he had lost the old warm world, paid a high price for living too long with a single dream. He must have looked up at an unfamiliar sky through frightening leaves and shivered as he found what a grotesque thing a rose is and how raw the sunlight was upon the scarcely created grass. A new world, material without being real, where poor ghosts, breathing dreams like air, drifted fortuitously about. 3. I'm thirty. I'm five years too old to lie to myself and call it honor. 4. Everyone suspects himself of at least one of the cardinal virtues and this. 5. There are only the pursued, the pursuing, the busy and the tired. 6. He had thrown himself into it with a creative passion, adding to it all the time, decking it out with every bright feather that drifted his way. No amount of fire or freshness can challenge what a man will store up in his ghostly heart. 7. He was a son of God—a phrase which, if it means anything, means just that—and he must be about His Father's business, the service of a vast, vulgar, and meretricious beauty. 8. So engrossed was she that she had no consciousness of being observed, and one emotion after another crept into her face like objects into a slowly developing picture. 9. I couldn't sleep all night; a fog-horn was groaning incessantly on the Sound, and I tossed half-sick between grotesque reality and savage, frightening dreams. 10. She vanished into her rich house, into her rich, full life, leaving Gatsby—nothing. 11. Gatsby was overwhelmingly aware of the youth and mystery that wealth imprisons and preserves, of the freshness of many clothes, and of Daisy, gleaming like silver, safe and proud above the hot struggles of the poor. 12. I'm paralyzed with happiness. 13. Daisy, don't create a scene. 14. I decided to get roaring drunk. 15. Of course, you don't need to take my word for it, old sport. 16. I have my hands full. 17. But he was once again dirt-poor. 18. I couldn't care less about the parties. 19. May I save the next dance? 20. Have it your own way, Tom. 21. Well, I have a second sight sometimes that tells me what to do. 22. I'm all run down. 23. I wised up to something funny these last two days. 24. You make it worse by crabbing about it. 25. If you're going to make personal remarks, I won't stay here a minute. 26. Now, once in a while I go off on a spree. 趕緊點(diǎn)擊下面鏈接,再回歸一下超經(jīng)典作品 詭秘之主 吧!!
    電影哪吒經(jīng)典臺詞 1個(gè)回答 2024年10月06日 07:09 電影《哪吒之魔童降世》中有許多經(jīng)典臺詞,以下是其中一些: 1. “我命由我不由天,是魔是仙,我自己說了算。” 2. “若命運(yùn)不公,便和它奮斗到底?!?3. “... 全文 電影哪吒經(jīng)典臺詞
    哪些類型和《麥田里的守望者》、《了不起的蓋茨比》、《挪威的森林》相似的書可以介紹一下? 1個(gè)回答 2023年11月05日 01:34 ??,我推薦以下同類型的書給你: - 《橫推雄兵連的假面》 - 《雙生怨靈》 - 《你是我的一生摯愛》 - 《自然秘語》 - 《孤星森林》 - 《迷之森林——... 全文 哪些類型和《麥田里的守望者》、《了不起的蓋茨比》、《挪威的森林》相似的書可以介紹一下?
  1. 1請問您能否推薦一些像《何以笙簫默》、《溫暖的弦》這樣的好看的小說?不要太長也不要太無聊的,謝謝!
  2. 2請推薦一本豪門世家文的言情小說,我記不得名字了,能幫我想想嗎?謝謝!
  3. 3請問有哪些好看的青春校園寵文美男小說,其中含有哥哥角色,并且主角受到很多人的寵愛?
  4. 4有哪些短小精干的系列言情小說推薦,故事情節(jié)好看?
  5. 5請推薦一些穿越到古代或架空歷史的小說,并且有盜版詩詞歌賦的情節(jié),希望有高手指點(diǎn),非常感謝!
  6. 6尋找優(yōu)秀的都市愛情小說,避開過于瓊瑤的,越多越好!
  7. 7有哪些描寫豪門世家情感的言情小說可以推薦?
  8. 8星墜劍所在的小說中的主角是誰?他會不會游龍劍法?
  9. 9有沒有類似于地球游戲場一樣的末日小說?
  10. 10轉(zhuǎn)移到一個(gè)類似古代的世界后,與一位仙女建立了感情,最后成功幫助國家打敗了敵人,想找到這本小說,有什么好的推薦嗎? 有沒有推薦一本穿越小說,主角在天龍世界中得到仙人傳承,與仙女相戀并幫助國家打敗敵人的故事?我曾看過一本類似這樣的小說,但已經(jīng)忘記名字了。
  11. 11這本言情小說描述的男主人公是理智而癡情的,女主人公則是嬌小可愛的嗎?
  12. 12主和男主有過一段差點(diǎn)在一起的感情線,可以推薦類似的書嗎?
  13. 13請問有沒有和千嫁喵物語和三坪房間的侵略者相似的輕小說值得推薦的呢?
  14. 14你有沒有推薦的豪門世家小說?
  15. 15有哪些斗羅大陸的續(xù)作推薦,不要唐家三少寫的,也不要奇怪的后代,最好有七怪扮學(xué)生和回圣魂村的情節(jié),請各位高手提供建議?
  16. 16能推薦一下嗎?
  17. 17中文小說里面有描寫神仙的嗎?
  18. 18初次穿越斗破蒼穹小說,是否需要從斗帝層次開始呢?
  19. 19請推薦一本小說,其中女主角被男主角誤解并感到委屈,后來男主角了解真相后深感自責(zé)。
  20. 20類似于《分手日記》這樣的小說,男主角是溫柔又寵愛女主角的人物,而女主角在文中是否經(jīng)歷生病或受傷等情節(jié)呢?
  21. 21請問這本小說的書名是什么,煩請大佬解答!
  22. 22推薦一本男主名為蘇晨的校園愛情小說。
  23. 23你能推薦一些關(guān)于青春校園的小說其中涵蓋扮丑的主題嗎?
  24. 24你有沒有推薦一本溫馨搞笑的言情小說?
  25. 25哪本小說的女主叫羚詠春,男主叫蘇晨?
  26. 26有沒有推薦類似于主角穿越到古代或架空歷史、盜版詩詞歌賦的小說?如果知道的話請分享一下,謝謝。
  27. 27你知道哪本小說是講男主角讓女主角傷心,然后女主角毫不猶豫地在男主角面前打掉孩子的嗎?
  28. 28推薦一本都市重生小說,男主重生后的名字叫做蘇晨,是否會遭遇未婚妻的退婚?
  29. 29你能推薦一些1v1的無虐甜文耽美修真小說嗎?類似于穿越之修仙或者八卦修真界的題材都可以。
  30. 30你能推薦一些好看的都市言情小說嗎?