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2024年10月08日 05:52


There are several top war movies that have been recommended. Some of them include:
1. "From the Depths" ( 從海底出擊 ): A German submarine is sent to the Atlantic during World War II to disrupt Allied shipping lines. The crew faces various challenges and must maintain the safety and secrecy of the submarine.
2. "Glory Road" ( 光榮之路 ): Set in the final weeks of World War II, a joint American and British commando team carries out a daring mission to rescue an American general held captive by the Nazis.
3. "Where Eagles Dare" ( 血染雪山堡 ): A British officer leads a commando team on a mission to rescue an American general held captive in a dangerous castle in the Alps.
4. "The Brest Fortress" ( 兵臨城下之決戰(zhàn)要塞 ): This Russian war film tells the story of the heroic defense of the Brest Fortress by Soviet soldiers against the German army during World War II.
5. "Saving Private Ryan" ( 拯救大兵瑞恩 ): Directed by Steven Spielberg, this film follows a small squad of soldiers on a mission to rescue a paratrooper whose brothers have been killed in action during World War II.
6. "Hacksaw Ridge" ( 血戰(zhàn)鋼鋸嶺 ): Based on a true story, this film tells the story of a medic who saves many lives during the Battle of Okinawa without carrying a weapon.
7. "The Dawn Here Is Quiet" ( 這里的黎明靜悄悄 ): This Russian film focuses on the bravery and sacrifice of female soldiers during the Great Patriotic War (World War II).
8. "The Ninth Company" ( 第九連 ): This film tells the story of a group of young Soviet soldiers during the Soviet-Afghan War.
9. "Dunkirk" ( 敦刻爾克 ): Directed by Christopher Nolan, this film depicts the evacuation of Allied soldiers from the beaches of Dunkirk during World War II.
10. "Fury" ( 狂怒 ): Set in the final days of World War II, this film follows a tank crew as they navigate the dangers of the war-torn German countryside.
Please note that these are just a few recommendations and there are many other top war movies available.
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